language: python # let's test as many versions as we can! python: - "2.7" - "3.4" - "3.5" - "3.6" - "3.7" - "3.8" - "nightly" # enable OSX support, with only system Python, and newer Python on Linux: matrix: include: - os: osx # specify a reasonably newer xcode so that brew works osx_image: xcode11 language: generic python: include: - python: "3.7" dist: xenial # install coverage helper: install: gem install coveralls-lcov # the test command: script: - python ./ test - make clean - CFLAGS="-coverage" python ./ test # install lcov, platform-specific but clean: addons: apt: packages: - lcov homebrew: packages: - lcov after_success: - lcov --capture --no-external --directory . --output-file - COVERALLS_PARALLEL=true coveralls-lcov - pip install codecov - codecov notifications: webhooks: